Thor Draper Jr's Blog

One million hours

When it comes to setting goals for ourselves, we often think in terms of years or decades. We set a goal to retire by a certain age, or to achieve a certain level of success by the time we’re a certain age. But what if we thought about our lives in a different way? What if, instead of thinking about our lives in terms of years, we thought about them in terms of hours?

The average human lifespan is around 720,000 hours. That’s a lot of time, but it can also feel like it’s not enough. We’re always looking to make the most of our time, to maximize every moment. But what if we set a goal to live 1 million hours? How would that change our perspective?

First, it would give us a sense of how much time we actually have. Sure, 720,000 hours might feel like a lot, but when you think about it in terms of 1 million hours, it suddenly becomes a lot more manageable. We have a lot of time left, and we can use that time to achieve our goals and make the most of our lives.

Another benefit of setting a goal to live 1 million hours is that it encourages us to make the most of each hour. When you know you have a million hours ahead of you, you don’t want to waste a single one. You want to make the most of every moment, to make every hour count. This can be incredibly motivating, and can help us to achieve more than we ever thought possible.

And if you’re thinking about it in terms of four quarters of life, it’s even more encouraging. For example, if you’re 30 years old and you want to live to 1 million hours, you’ve already completed the first quarter of your life. That means you have three-quarters of your life still ahead of you. You’ve already accomplished so much, and you have so much more time to achieve even more.

All in all, setting a goal to live 1 million hours can change your perspective in a powerful way. It can give you a sense of how much time you have, and it can encourage you to make the most of every moment. So, what are you waiting for? Start living your 1 million hours today!